Today is Jake’s 26th birthday!
At his 16th birthday party, we all went to his favorite restaurant – Red Robin. And let me tell you, nothing and everything has changed since we started dating a decade ago…
[ photos above by Katie Lamb Photography ]
I say this every year on his birthday, but Jake is the back bone, muscles, brain, and magic behind Kirstie Marie Photography. He doesn’t get much credit, and he never gets the glory, but he works tirelessly behind the scenes to make the finished product look effortless.
In addition to running the websites, social media outlets, stock photography business, AND finances of this LLC, he also… tests my light for me so I can get my exposure (while checking game scores)…
He fends off wild ponies in the pasture…
He holds hats (on his head) when my model doesn’t need them…
He practices his gymnastics skills…
Wipes a LOT of dirty noses and slobbery mouths…
Holds a LOT of horses while my girls go to change…
He helps around the barn…
He (is learning to) ride like a champ!!
He reads my light meter…
He holds horses while testing my light while checking game scores…
He is ALWAYS an arm-length away from the horses to make sure my girls are safe…
He carries all of my cameras and gear (and heavy rocks) with a smile on his face…
Among a billion other things, he is always there to take away my stress.
Jake is the perfect embodiment of gospel-centered, self-sacrificing love. He gives up college football Saturdays and NFL Sundays so that he can follow me around perking ears and wiping horse slobber.
And he does this all because he loves me and believes in a crazy dream of mine.